
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by finm, May 23, 2014.

  1. now its been confirmed that billions of barrels of oil have been found in the south east, do think London will declare its independence?. would you be happy in the knowledge that you don't own the ground beneath your feet?, personally i am quite happy about it if it means we can tell the Russians to go and you know what. will the residents of the south east be happy about the government they voted in turning the beloved heartland in to a bomb site?.
  2. Apart from stating that I cant have a roller skating rink in my garden (?), my land deeds also say that I do not own the land under my feet, or rather the mineral rights. Lord Barnard has them so its probably the same all over the country (with a different toff).
  3. Scargill had all the coal..
  4. Quite right...........nobody owns the land their properties stand belongs to the Crown and 'landowners' are effectively granted permission to use the land as if they did own it.....

    But I don't fracking care.........
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  5. i do, it seams like a reasonably good form of energy, and a makes us a bit less dependent on other country's.
  6. Just wait until the South East is turned into the sort of industrial landscape that the North East used to be 50 years ago...
  7. Just wait until the watercourse is poisoned by the pumping of propriety substances ...

    ...minor issue...
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Shite..... Get the drilling machines and TNT out. LOADSAMONEY!!! Yeah!! The same old shite was moaned about when we struck oil and gas offshore. Resistance is futile. Now go get the roustabouts.
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  9. Don't tell alec salmond, he will change his mind
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. More construction work ? Bring it on !
  11. i can't wait for the southern softies to strike and get rode shotgun over by the labour government......and the film release....

    mind you big strike = money...:upyeah:
  12. Don't get your hopes too high, the estimates of recoverable reserves, as opposed to total reserves, in the Monteray Shale in California has just been reduced by 96%. Fracking is being overhyped.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. hi johnv where you been. price and dependency will dictate.
  14. Been taking a break. The point being that whilst getting blood out of stone is impossible getting oil out of shale is only very difficult but it suits certain people to make us think our energy problems are solved.
  15. pacifying the masses, i bit of leverage with the ruskies. bummer was looking forward to the fall out in the south east.
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  16. The shale oil has always been there, but until recently 0% of it was practicably recoverable. Now maybe 5% is recoverable. In a few years time it will be 10%, 20%, ...

    There has been an oil-well at Wytch Farm, Dorset for many years but it has not discommoded the inhabitants of Swanage or Corfe even slightly.
  17. Nuclear, thats the way forward. The end.
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  18. There is a world of difference between drilling for oil and fracking for gas.
  19. And fracking for shale oil.
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