You know how it is with an SS (or Monster and ST come to think of it) when the engine is removed you suddenly end up with any storage space filled with tanks, panels, frame, forks, wheels, swing arm etc. Currently we have eight SS, Monster and ST bikes in various states of build, modification, repair so it's a little bit difficult in our small unit. So spent a few minutes today putting together a prototype frame stand from scrap bits. A few modifications required like more room for the chain to run correctly, better placed swing arm pivot and slightly less box section. If you feel you could use one please PM. Will be looking in the area of 25 pounds for a stand with a fixing point for a side stand. Slightly more for one with a center type stand (not the ST2 one I used) and a little more for powder coating (if required) and postage. Or answer B feel free to copy.
Unless you have a variety of scrap/off cuts I reckon you'd be shooting yourself in the foot copying it. £25 is a very reasonable price.
My stands cost me about £15.......using them both together you can lift front end completely and strip it, or even have the swingarm off without removing any more than the seat fairing and the rear mudguard thingy.......You could even have the engine out easily as well......... ........but be prepared to trip over the stand feet.