Evening all, I've the opportunity to get a cheap 749 s frame and fancy having the headstock/foot-peg adjustability. Im no stranger to stripping the Duke just unsure if i'd lose my current reg! would i have two logbooks(one for my engine and one for the s frame) Any input would be great has i haven't got a clue haha is it more hassle than its worth
Think you know the answer. The VIN/Frame number dictates the VRM at DVLA. Does the frame come with a V5? What's the history? You could end up with a bike with Cat C or D history. Not worth the hassle unless you were building a track bike.
thanks for the quick replies, frame comes with v5 and was bought to turn into a cafe racer. its on the bay at the moment and looks straight and legit,but i may skip as i wanted to keep my current plate