France, Spain - May 2024 (part 3/3)

Discussion in 'Touring' started by Mattie821, Jun 2, 2024.

  1. The main business of the trip - MotoGP Catalunya.

    Only had a general admission ticket for Sunday - race day. Usually for the GPs I get a grandstand seat for the weekend - which is much better. I will not bother getting a 1 day general admission ticket again - waste of time, lesson learned.

    It is still nice to come and go to these events by bike. I put my jacket in the tail bag and locked my lid to the front wheel.


    Spain was starting to get hot. My dash read 31 C and the first hot weather on the trip. So found a shady spot to spectate from and stayed there.

    Queue for the drinking water taps - lots of people putting their head under the taps rather than just drinking it ! - getting hot.

    Map of the circuit.

    That was it really for Spain. A big exodus of bikes heading back into France on the Monday.

    Next stop the Camargue - Bouches-du-Rhone, the Rhone river delta on the Mediterranean. A special place.

    Visit the museum and walk the nature trail.

    Traditional saddle.

    Camargue bull with the distinctive shaped pointed horns.


    Walking the nature trail, that took about 2 hrs - great - loved it

    Snakes. Saw 2 of them in all, minding their own business. You have to look for them to spot them, but they are there. Lots of other wildlife - birds in particular and the biggest dragonflies I have ever seen !

    Probably hunting the little frogs along the little stream...


    Frequent signs along the trail.....


    Some actual Camargue bulls

    I stayed in Arles, but this - Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer is the cultural capital of the Camargue.

    Left the beautiful Camargue - 25 C and sunny - back into some rain. Through the Auvergne to Cleremont-Ferrand


    Went to the KTM dealership as the key fob battery was running low and sending an error message to the dash. So tracked down the large KTM dealership - they replaced the battery in five minutes and cost EUR 3.80 ! Happy days Spent the rest of the day looking around all the other bif bike dealerships there - big showrooms

    Nice little Beemer ( there were a few GS models on display as well - but it would be impolite to post those on this Ducati forum :D

    So that was it. 3,054 miles average 53 mph at 52 mpg.

    The MotoGP was a bit of a waste of time, with just a cheap one day general admission ticket. Camargue is special, must go back again.
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