checking through the paperwork that came with the bike I see it spent some time in France. there are three documents I am wondering what they are, I can babelfish but do not make much sense.. 1/ DEMANDE DE CERTIFICAT D'IMMATRICULATION D'UN VEHICULE. ( photocopy form ink filled in) 2/ ATTESTATION D'IDENTIFICATION VEHICULES IMPORTES CONFORMES A UN TYPE COMMUNAUTAIRE. (Ducati official typed document) 3/ CERTIFICAT D'ACQUISITION D'UN VEHICULE TERRESTRE A MOTEUR ( Official form ink filled in) just wondering if there is any time limits , import or export docs, and importantly now Im the owner, any liabilities or markers on the bike??
1 Request for a reg document 2 Declaration that the imported vehicle conforms to type 3 Certificate of purchase of a motorised land vehicle Et voila!
previous owners were English then looks to have gone to france with new owner now its back, I have v5 which is still in previous owners name , just wondering If Swansea will have foreign owners (he was English) details and if I will get extra owner added to v5 or if he will be unrecorded? hope it makes sense.