Froch V's Groves Ii

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Tobytyke, May 31, 2014.


Who's your money on?

Poll closed Jun 2, 2014.
  1. Carl Froch

    5 vote(s)
  2. George Groves

    0 vote(s)
  1. Who's your money on !
  2. My inner chimp so wants froch to slap n spank the feckin southern gob shite, sadly I think it will be the other way around. Want froch to win, think groves will.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Boxing became a lot less interesting when they made it pay-per-view.

    I honestly couldn't care less who wins.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Where did Joe Bugner go?.....................Now that was uninteresting.............
  5. I really really don't care. Dead hopefully.
  6. Erm, taxi for Mr Groves......:Finger:

    Big knock out there lad, bet you wished you'd wound your neck in a bit :Eggonface:

    Great fight though
  7. Great fight out boxed out jabbed n out feckin punched. Great fight really nice to see he had some respect for carl
  8. I think he had to, he just got his ass handed to him via a massive right hand.

    What a fantastic punch, slipped the left in there as a decoy them Wham!!

    I'm so over the moon with that, I've been listening to that little gob shite all day, I appreciate trash talk before fights but Groves has been banging on like he's already got 10 belts and Froch is over the hill.

    Couldn't have happened to a nicer person :)
    • Like Like x 1
  9. sorry but even if Ghengis Khan himself had one, anyone with a gingerbread man tattoo deserves to lose at everything in life. Pussy
  10. Bradders let you tell him :)
  11. Went round the pub to watch the fight and really enjoyed it. I also enjoyed looking at the barmaids bra through her shirt ! Pub was full of old farts , god I hope I'm not there yet !
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