Froggy tour

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Jul 19, 2013.

  1. So I've watched a bit of this today as I'm working at home and needed some background destraction. 2 observations. Its actually quite interetsing although I have no idea whats happening and whats with all the idiots jumping out in front if he riders and running alongside?!

    and jeez is it raining right now...and lead bloke has cleared off in the sun
  2. Paul I'm not a cyclist and have no interest in it, however due to my eclectic reading tastes I recently read an autobiography of Lance Armstong
    'It's not about the bike' and found the tactics , planning and preperation that goes into a race absolutely fascinating. I naively thought that they just peddled as fast as they could and the best man won !
  3. And that comes thru in the racing. And how they manage commentary from 0930 to 1630 is impressive

    So if Frome takes it, will he get knighted too?!
  4. Froome is Kenyan.
  5. Those French are bonkers - lucky they're no good at golf

    'It's not about the bike' and found the tactics , planning and preperation that goes into a race absolutely fascinating. I naively thought that they just peddled as fast as they could and the best man won

    Not really a good comparison there John, although technically it wasn't about the bike it was about how many illegal substances he and his team could conceal. I agree that commentating for so long takes a certain something, as a keen cyclist I have been watching daily but can't remember hearing the name Armstrong or US Postal mentioned at all.
  7. I've watched the whole thing, no easy feat as starts at 9.30pm-12.10am until 4am here in NZ, Armstrong has been mentioned a couple of times, once about cheating/drugs, the other about the time he missed a corner on a fast decent and rode across a ploughed field to rejoin the race.
  8. David Walsh's books "From Lance to Landis" and "Seven Deadly Sins" are a real eye opener and a must for anyone who follows the sport, or wishes to understand the complexities of Armstrongs cheating.

    David Walsh of The Telegraph is a reporter of fierce tenacity and is completely vindicated in his pursuit of Armstrong - A very brave, driven, relentless man in my view - Thoroughly recommended

    Congratulations to South Africa's 1st TDF winner :wink:
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