1200 Front Brake Lever Pin..whats It Called???

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Skye Hook, May 27, 2019.

  1. trying to fit a new set of levers to a 14 Multi,and they are missing the pin that pushes into the handlebar brake cyclinder, its a cable type nipple with a pin sticking out that you can slot in place.
    problem is there is no way to get that off the original lever by the look of it,it wont open enough to slide out of its seating,just a couple of mill short of being able to pull it out,tried to drift out the brass bush but that wont budge either...what to do? and can i buy this pin anywhere as a separate item? where the red dot is on this pic.... 10039301.jpg
  2. Where the red dot is? I am sure that comes out in standard levers? Been a while tho tbh
  3. it wont come out of mine no matter how i try,there is a spring at the joint though,maybe that has to pull out,just fiddly and annoying,should be straightforward enough to change out the bloody levers.
  4. Have you removed the adjuster cap, the bit you turn, on top?
  5. It does come out but you may need to warm the lever a bit either with boiling water or a hot air gun.
    Get an old socket small enough to sit on top of the bush, not so large that it will pass through it.
    I used an old piece of hard wood with a 1/2" hole drilled through it, positioned the bush part over the hole and then tapped the bush out. The bush dropped into hole.
    This will separate the lever from the lever carrier.
    Once it's out look closely at the small barrel/pin assembly and you will find a tiny allen screw.
    Undo this and the pin can be wound off the barrel too.

    PS: Edited the above to make it a bit clearer. I knew what I meant but not sure others would!
    #5 Shoboshi, May 27, 2019
    Last edited: May 27, 2019
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  6. radiallever.jpg
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  7. yep i saw that tiny allen screw,great stuff,i will warm it up and tap it out,many thanks!!!
  8. I knew it came out :upyeah:
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