Front brakes squeal & judder

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by petecy, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. I get strong judder and squeal from the front while braking a bit harder. This starts when the speed is dropping below 35kph. The harder I brake the worse. Lately this is getting so bad that is really scary. In rain is like there are no brakes.

    Already took it to the dealer twice and seem not to find the problem.
    Replaced the pads from Brembo to SBS. Problem got worse.
    Checked the pistons, all work fine.

    Bike has 17k km, got it 2nd hand at 14k. Had the problem from start but not as bad as is now.
    Searched the forum and most I could find as remedy is bleeding them, which I did already but not solved the problem.
    Just a note, moving the bike with the steering fully turned and without holding the brakes, I can feel and hear a bit of squeal.

    Anyone has any idea what is the problem.?
  2. Hi Pete, you don't say what bike? but from the way you've described its symptons I'd hazard a guess at a warped disc. Not sure about the no brakes in the rain bit tho!!!
  3. Its a MTS ABS 2011.
    Does not seem as a warped disk as there is no felling on the brake level at all. Plus, the frequency of the vibe is very high for the low speed its produced.
  4. Mine does it, much worse when they are wet - had the discs checked and the run out is within tolerance (can't remember measurement now), so no warranty swap out.

    Changed the pads for race type, more sintered (?) and it was an improvement (much better braking) with less judder, but it is still there and they make a "groaning" noise as I pull up.

    I am just going to wait until 30k and change the rotors out, see if that solves it?
  5. ABS linked? Only say as my old GS, of brakes applied hard, became wooden and seemed to fail and there was a similar sounding noise. It was nothing wrong, the system was kicking n as the brake was applied hard.

    Not ridden a MTS so no idea how similar they are.
  6. Might be worth checking wheel bearing and head bearings. Ideally, check wheel bearings with wheel out of the bike. Check also front end is bolted up properly. Undo axle pinch bolts, apply brakes and work forks a bit the nip pinch bolts back up. Many use RHS pinch bolts to hold axle when doing nut up. This is fine but unless the bolts are undone again, the wheel axle assembly is off centre and cause misalignment of the front wheel, discs and brake calipers....
  7. Hi Pete,
    from another forum....
    one bloke mentions residue of old brake material on the rotors/discs. He suggests cleaning with a "Scottish" pad and new is the link!
    Front Brake Rotors Warped - - The Ultimate Ducati Forum

    Mine squeal too, but it's only at hard braking low speed, so I am going to leave it for now .

  8. Nelly, I checked the bearings, and does not seem to be from this.
    I always do the alignment thing after removing the front wheel. Learned it from my racing experience in racing
  9. Multi rider,ti rider;141236]Hi Pete,
    from another forum....
    one bloke mentions residue of old brake material on the rotors/discs. He suggests cleaning with a "Scottish" pad and new is the link!
    Front Brake Rotors Warped - - The Ultimate Ducati Forum

    Mine squeal too, but it's only at hard braking low speed, so I am going to leave it for now .


    Multirider I read the thread. Did the cleaning and checked that the rotors operate smoothly and at equal movement.
    My next guess is that there might be an air bubble in the tube between the left caliber to the right caliber, thus when applying the brakes unequal force is transferred to the two calibers.
    I am guessing this because i get feeling that the squeal is coming from the left caliper.
  10. An air bubble will just compress when you apply the brake giving you a soft feel at the lever but it is a hydraulic system and the pressure at pistons in both calipers will be the same whether there is air in the line or not.
    Mine also groan when coming to a halt but more concerning they squeal and cause a definite resistance when pushing the bike and the steering is on full left lock. I've had the calipers off, cleaned the pistons and lubricated them with red rubber grease thinking that a piston might be sticking but it made no difference. The squeal is probably a glaze on the pads/discs but I'm more concerned that it happens when I turn the bars showing that there must be movement somewhere. I think I'll take Nelly's advice and check the wheel bearings.
  11. Sounds like they all do it...
  12. Checked the bearings. Checked the axle if bend, nut did the mistake not to check the forks.
    I agree with Derek about pushing the bike at full left I hear the squeal meaning something is moving out of 'alignement'... but what?
  13. Judder/vibration on mine was caused by warped disks, replaced under warranty. Brake squeal is more pronounced when riding in wet conditions tried different pads (cintered) didn't seem to make any difference. Not much help but I would suggest getting discs checked again or put a clock gauge on and check it yourself.
  14. I sometimes get a slight judder at slow speeds on the front brakes - I did have warped discs and they were replaced under warranty. I have EBC HH sintered pads and when it's absolutely pissing it down the front brakes are pretty terrible, always have been....
  15. I just came across this thread - judder starting on my 999s. Quite bad toward end of ride on Saturday. I put a DTI on the discs to measure run out - 0.1mm one side, 0.14mm the other - so not warped. Phew at £200 per disc. Found the post that said clean and rotate the disc mounting 'buttons'. did so and hey presto.....headstock now smacks me in the face with no judder. total cost, 30' of time and some brake cleaning spray. I was able to rotate them using and old Phillips screwdriver wrapped in a rag. Insert and there's enough purchase to turn them. moved them all 90 degrees.
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  16. Having similar symptoms with my 1000ss. This has given me some ideas on how to approach problem. Thanks. Steve
  17. MTS was at the Dealer to identify and solve the problem. They changed the disks, but still judder and squeal still present.
    Resored the original disks and changed to used pads taken from an S4S and no judder and squeal. Ridden the bike for over 100kms still no judder, but brake power not good and really spongy.
    I am trying to sell the bike and this is good, but anyway will do the mileypau suggestion.
  18. Awesome tip; thanks brother!
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