1200 Enduro Front End Clonk ... Fixed!

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Edward Cunliffe, Jul 12, 2024.

  1. Thought I'd start a new thread as I've posted on this several times already so why not another one.

    So 1200 Muttley Enduro, recently fitted Dunlop Raid 50/50 knobbly tyres. The clonk from the front end when going over potholes (that developed into a DDDDRRRRR noise) was the Pyramid plastics fender extender catching the tyre!

    Spent hours on this but so happy it's finally fixed (by ripping the extender off)!
    #1 Edward Cunliffe, Jul 12, 2024
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2024
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  2. It’s almost always something simple!

    (Mine rubbed holes in itself on the tyre after 50 mile ride so I threw it away as well)
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  3. So glad it wasn't the actual suspension! Haven't thrown the extender away yet, might cut it down and refit as there's a bite out of it already.

    I wonder if I could flare the bottom lip out a bit if I heat it up ...
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