I want to perform a detailed clean on my 2012 1199 Tri before putting into hibernation. I want to clean the chain grease from around the front sprocket, it's that awful thick/sticky gunk that I think is the worst part of any chain-driven bike:Vomit: So I need to remove the 'left hand side footrest assembly'. To do this I need to remove the suspension linkage, to do that I need to support the bike... The WSM goes about it in a very complex way, by using an engine support (a moulding that encapsulates the sump) and a workbench (a 4-wheeled frame with jacks that the engine support fits into). All very professional but it requires removal of exhaust (end cans & front downpipe) and the lower radiator/fan assembly... Jeez, I only want to clean the c**p from the front sprocket:Bawling: So I can only see one other alternative, to remove the seat/bodywork and wrap a cargo strap around the rear sub frame and loop it around a ceiling anchor. Anybody agree with me or is there an alternative method? (I can see that the gunk has trapped road chippings so I'm not backing down on this one!)
If you're just wanting to get the sprocket cover off, pull the slave cylinder, undo the quickshifter and you're in. You can get the plate out that has the crud catcher on to give it a good clean as well.
The lower crud catcher has a flanged bolt that hits the L/H footrest assy. If that bolt would come out I would be sorted... Maybe 1mm more clearance is needed, how bad is that for design?
Don't have a bike to hand, but not had the problem before. I've had several of them out to date with no issues. It's a bit fiddly and obviously dirty, but they've all come out
Sorted it out this way: I know it's wrong to support the sump this way so I gradually wound the jack by hand until the rear paddock stand began 'floating', the rear stand is just stopping the arm from dropping now. There was no way I was going to clean all the crap from the front sprocket area without removing the left foot plate. Here's the toughest part to clean: I kid you not, it took over 1/2 hr of scrubbing with toothbrush, GT85, chain cleaner and airline to get it to this stage. It was full of road chippings encased in chain lube... At least I know how to do it next year:Cigar:
I know, never gone to this extreme to clean a bike for Winter storage. At least it will smell nice in the lounge (if GT85 is your thing:Wacky