1200 Front Sprocket

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Unicycler, May 1, 2014.

  1. was cleaning front sprocket cover out today and noticed the teeth slightly starting to hook. Bike has 8000 miles on it, Would it do any harm just changing front sprocket as back looks perfect.

    also is it a easy job to replace?
  2. Put the cover back on and change it when the chain is knackered, along with the rear sprocket.

    Have you been over tightening it?

    Easy to change IF you can undo the nut!
  3. I've done it and only changed the front, but on a chain and rear that had done just a few hundred miles.
    It is an absolute bugger to do though.

    It is really hard to get the sprocket off the spline without splitting the chain.
    I managed it, but it took a lot of swearing and skinned knuckles.
    You might find it a bit easier with your 8K chain as it could be a bit looser.
  4. The chain tension shouldn't be an issue - slacken the lock nuts and rotate the eccentric adjuster, you can make it as baggy as you like? The issue is if he can "break" the sprocket lock nut, which can be a bugger!
  5. Your fine just to change the front sprocket they wear faster than the back because they have less contact area so are under more pressure. But it may not last quite as long as it would if you changed the rear and chain because the chain will be worn already and will wear the front faster until it's bedded back in.
  6. OK, thanks for the replies . Will order/change sprocket and will do me rest of the year...
  7. Strangely enough I had no problem with the sprocket nut - no worse than trying to get the rear wheel nut undone anyway.

    But even at max slack adjustment I really struggled to get the chain off the sprocket - must just have been because the chain was almost new...
  8. Usually with chain at Max slack, the sprocket and chain should slide off together? Well it did on my old R1 and the Kettle, but must confess, not tried with the Multi, so I will STFU now ;)
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