1200S, Brake calipers removed, pinch bolts loose and wheel elevated. How do you remove the wheel shaft??
Leave the nut at the end flush with the shaft and hit it with a mallet, soft faced not a “Ammer”, when you have knocked it through as far as it will go you can remove the nut and gently tap it through. Or that’s how I used to do it on my pervious bikes.
If its stuck, I sometimes use the tool for setting the front axle (tube with two lugs) and use mallet to tap thru as a drift
@bradders I haven’t got an alignment tool and I’ve searched the garage for something the right diameter to act as drift but can’t find anything. Just wondered if there was some everyday household item that I hadn’t thought off
You could use and old socket ratchet, if the shaft goes through the centre and the head sits proud? Put a rag on the end to help stop any marking. Or, have you got a socket that fits the axle? Or maybe the spark plug tool (I use one own the rear on my gixer and works a treat).
Adding once its moved then you need to just pull from the other side/ You have loosen both fork leg pinch bolts (all 4) right ?
A word of warning, be very careful using a drift as you can splay out the spindle. How do I know this because I have done it! One of the spacers was seized onto the shaft as when I had my front tyre replaced the tyre fitter didn't grease the spindle. I ended up having to replace the spindle with one off eBay.
All pinch bolts removed. The shaft just wont move, I suspect that I have the spacer seized to the shaft issue. Liberal coatings of WD40 or the like?
I usually tap with a 1/2in socket extension bar. The drive end of the bar fits nicely in the axle bore.
I have a few from old Ducati tool kits when you used to locate the spindle correctly so the compression could be accessed from the hole below
Good news!! A night of a good soaking in WD40 and a sharp couple of taps this morning with a “real” mallet and 1/2” socket on an extender has removed the shaft. No damage done to the shaft end luckily, and a bit of corrosion on the shaft from the spacer . Certainly very little grease on the shaft from the last time it was removed by the dealer. As the photo shows the left spacer had seized onto the shaft. So thanks @Desperado for the heads up, spot on! Thanks for the advice everyone, much appreciated