frost .....................

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnboy, Nov 10, 2013.

  1. that's it.......... there is a bloody frost outside ..........
    outside temp gauge is reading 2.7 just by the back door
    god knows what it is further down the garden
    nothing but miserable weather since got the bike sorted this year bah humbug:mad:
  2. Riding home earlier just as the sun was setting and an ice warning popped up on my screen :( That'll probably be the end of this year for me now, really don't fancy running mine through all the salt and grime over the winter. Roll on spring!
  3. 0.1C here on the Lincs Wolds, cars turned from green to white as it was last night, oh yes roll on spring as i hate winters these days.
  4. i wouldnt mind but its still bleedin autumn....
  5. autumn........ thought we skipped that and went straight to winter lol
  6. I spent just under four hours yesterday (mainly because of flippin fasters) stripping and cleaning the 1098 ready for its winter layup. It looks like this now


    However, the other one isnt so lucky :biggrin:
  7. Wimps. I commuted in today on the Hypermotard! 80 mile round trip :)
  8. So did I. A grand total of 18miles on my Monster so there :wink:
  9. theres no way id pull my 999 out this weather but i wish I still had my burgman :cool:
  10. Phillllllll :mad::mad: :tongue:
  11. Came out of work at Seven oclock last night and my Windscreen was frozen solid !!
  12. I'll be cleaning the Multi spotless this weekend then getting the man from Newbury to coat everything in ACF 50. Should be good until spring, it will get filthy but it will be protected from the majority of salt and shit.
  13. well I would be still using my ss if it was in one piece lol
  14. I've been given an MOT date of the 21st Nov. Extremely annoying. They've had all bloody season to give me an MOT date - they seem to enjoy choosing a winter date. Normally my 999 won't be going anywhere much at the end of November - there could be snow on the road. Just have to hope for a dry day without too much frost. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to work out that around here, there are barely any big bikes on the road in winter.

    I remember having a December date for my 916 one year. At least it's only once every 2 or 3 years here.
  15. cant you just 'sorn' it ??
    and pick and choose a future suitable date ?
  16. Well here you can ask for a different date - but they aren't going to move much beyond a few days if you want to be on the road. Alternative is indeed to take the plates off it and suspend tax and insurance - what you'd call SORN. But it's a hassle.

    Test centre isn't far away, bike is almost standard and will pass with no work done to it. But I just wish they could choose a summerish date for testing large bikes (or any bikes, really, come to that).

    I like to be able to use the bike just so that I can take it out for a little warm up in the middle of winter if we get a mild day - good for it. And there is no guarantee of weather. Spring may come early or late. It may snow today or in 2 months time. You just can't tell these days.
  17. 14 degrees in sunny Salisbury - think we may get our first ground frost next week

    Better bring the house plants in
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