Fuel Guage

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Ian Syphas, Mar 20, 2016.

  1. hi Guys

    I have had my Multi for about 6weeks now and have found the fuel gauge to be unreliable. The advised miles left in the tank shows 12m, suggesting I am running on fumes. Yet I can squeeze in 15 Ltrs.

    Is this a common trait or can it be solved?

  2. Old multi or new? They fuel senders do go wrong. Thankfully mine has been spot on for a year now on my 2010. I always reset trip 2 with every full tank though, just in case.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. You do not say how old your Multu is only how long you have had it. It's a common problem on up to 2014 models and I have had mine replaced under warantee, it's still not perfect but it is better now.
    Members with experience of DVT models will be out of bed soon so many more answers to come I am sure.
    #3 Richard 1200, Mar 20, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
  4. :Hilarious::Hilarious::Hilarious::Hilarious::Hilarious:
    SADLY you're probably right.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. First time I've had a fuel gauge on a bike and if mine goes wrong it will be a pain. The problem with using the trip, is that my range seems to vary between 125-145 miles to a tank. Would hate to have to be hunting for petrol stations at 100 miles (and on a touring bike no less).
  7. It's 2013 pikes peak
  8. Probably the fuel sender on its way out then.
  9. Thank for the advice guys!!
  10. I had my 2012 sender replaced last year and the calibration of the new one is rubbish. It stays high for ages, drops like a stone to almost empty and then takes 15 litres.
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