Hi All, I’m going to replace the in tank fuel lines on my 1997 916 , my question is what should I be looking for as in size and rating etc ? Sorry if this has already been covered and thanks in advance
It's 5/16 hose. Fuel pressure is 3 bar so I go for 6 bar pressure rated, 20 bar burst. It has to be submersible. Cheapest I could find was from demon tweeks. https://www.demon-tweeks.com/uk/mocal-8mm-bore-in-tank-fuel-hose-mocitfh-5/
another is Pirtek who i've always used, with many outlets:- https://www.pirtek.co.uk/?gclid=Cj0...grXI9qUXt2qekiyfI66AIHQA0qeBCIWwaAmV9EALw_wcB