I was having a chat with a mate the other day & it turned into a bit of a debate... Wondered what you guys think? Fuel & the different suppliers, I only use Shell Premium in my bikes to the point where I always have a container in the car should I pass a Shell garage on my travels (Dont really have one close to home)... I'll use others if I'm lost & the fuel lights glowing but 99% of the time its Shell... I swear blind the bike runs better on it & yes I know that without a knock sensor in theory it 'shouldnt' make a difference I really feel it makes a difference... More responsive / more miles... So, what y'all think?
I always use petrol company garages,not supermarkets.Mainly because two local supermarkets had water contamination in their fuel.Also use the premium fuels available.I don't do many miles so don't count the cost of the grades.
you would think with all this debate some one in the know ie which or other would have a definitive answer.
Its an odd topic.. I was told a few weeks back by an engineer here at work to avoid all premium fuels as they contain extra ethanol... Now me? I always thought premium fuel was better / cleaner?
Many, if not all bulk fuel tanks will contain some water. The sg of water is 1.00, petrol about 0.73 and diesel 0.84. This means water is heavier and will lie in the bottom of bulk fuel storage tanks. It gets their cos water and nitrogen are often used when pigging pipelines between pumping refined products, petrol, diesel, condensate etc. I must say though, before I do a track day I go and fuel up with Shell V power because someone told me it was the best and gives performance gains. It might be bollocks but I don't really know.
I have heard lots of people say V-Power is really good, I don't have a Shell garage near me so my bike gets run on Texaco Super Unleaded, tbh.. I think there is more variation with garages that do and don't sell a lot of Super Unleaded than there is between Super Unleaded and Normal Unleaded tbh (if that makes sense) I know that various people have done quality studies with Fuel if you google it, however I have to say I have always put it down to being one of those things that has variation, because it's about 'batches'.
Ha, yeah. And its reassuringly expensive so it must work. It makes sense a higher octane will give an edge. That said though, I read somewhere that ECU software makes compensatory calculations on modern engines so it'll make no difference with some bikes/cars and there will be performance gains with others.
I am not sure we have knock sensors in the bikes tbh, we may do. I do think that they use close loop Lambda's though so would potentially adjust the fuelling to compensate if there is a higher octane content changing the gas mix.. I may have just confused myself... may be totally talking bollox...
No, I think you're right, I think I read similar stuff but don't recall it clearly, doh... I just brim my tank and jerry can with Shell V Power just in case all the hype is true. Am I a sneaky fucker, or what??
About a year ago I spoke to Texaco Uk about the Ethanol question.I was told that their Super Uleaded did not contain any Ethanol,but it would soon have up to 5% Ethanol added before leaving the depot.This was/is an important issue for me as I have old bikes with carbs .
I run my 350 powervalve race bike on V power. It won't run properly on normal unleaded, detonates, less power. There is a difference but I don't know if it makes a difference to a Ducati. I've tried both in my 999 and couldn't tell any difference. Maybe on the race bike I'm more tuned into what its doing because its always on the redline and I have a consistent reference to performance, can't really do that on the road.
theres an interesting post on DSC here essentially it depends on which depot the fuel comes from in the country as to if and how much ethenol is added
No knock sensors on our Ducati's bud.... I think its only BMW machines & not all of them... Retards / advances the ingnition based on sensor readings so basically makes full use of the higher ron...
If its good enough for ferrari haha... One things for sure, in a couple of weeks when mine goes for its dyno / custom map she'll have a tankful of V..
2 stroke carb'd bikes, there's a whole different kettle of fish, always ran mine on super unleaded, u could feel a really soft throttle connection (like running rich) with normal, but I think 2 strokes are the extreme and probably the best use case for sticking with super unleaded.
He give any idea why the ethanol was going to be added?..This really pisses me off, the same with the UK's use of road salt... Other countries have alternatives that are just as good but not corrosive... Why is it acceptable to use products that are detrimental to our vehicles that we pay hard earned money for then continue to screwed over with tax....