Fuelling Sorted

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by Desmoquattro, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. I had a low down 1/4 turn throttle fuelling issue, and after winter also a starvation at WOT, causing symptoms like a misfire.
    Never had the starvation before winter, so figured carbs needed cleaned. Bike sits with fuel and a stabiliser in over winter, maybe I should drain the carbs instead...
    Anyway, taken off, stripped and cleaned, plenty Carb cleaner and air blown through everywhere. I had changed the needles previously to EMR, put the standard EMP ones back in, and just taken it out. Fuelling seems pretty bang on, smooth and power everywhere. Dunno if it was dirt, needles or both but the characteristic "chirp" from the airbox has returned too on acceleration, which hasn't been there since needle change. I quite like it.
    Not ridden a bike I prefer, so happy when it's running right. I need to just use it this year, and try not to muck about with it too much 20220404_145853.jpg ...
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  2. Good colour combo,
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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