Full moon ...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Does anyone else get affected by full moon or am I a freak?
    I get really silly , can't sleep worse then ever , very frisky and have been known to run about outside ..
    ( ok I know I'm a freak ).

    I'm like it for 2 nights then I'm ok.,
    I am a nightmare when it's full moon.
  2. Yes I guess I am a luna .. Tic :(
  3. Weirdo :biggrin:
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  4. Were you bitten by a 6ft wolf as a child by any chance?
  5. Oh Mel you do make me giggle :)
  6. Isn't it that time when broomsticks come out of the closet:biggrin:
  7. No but I'm questioning some ex boyfriends as I slept too well as a child...

    As for broomsticks .. Only on full moon???
    No mines out everyday :) :) :) does one require turning into a tadpole?
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  8. I used to be a werewolf but I'm alright noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :wink:
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  9. Warren Zevon....Classic!
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  10. Moon did look amazing last night.

    As for it affecting my sleep, ha! You'd need a bit more than a full moon to stop me nodding off, unless the moonlight is full on my face (I don't like drawing curtains or lowering blinds) all things being equal.

    Tip: read a book on quantum physics or string theory in bed. Brain is scrambled after a couple of pages and you are happy to fade into unconsciousness.
  11. El T - you nicked my joke ! :)
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