FullSix carbon trailer conquest carbon

Discussion in 'Conquest Racing Ltd' started by Conquest Racing Ltd, Feb 23, 2014.

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  1. Is that the stuff your selling , mighty impressive .

    One thing I cant understand with autoclav is why put product in a plastic bag to suck the air out then put under pressure in a vacuum , but nevertheless quality.
  2. funnily enough its to eliminate the air…….that gets trapped within the carbon weave and gel coat…makes it stronger..
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  3. Very impressive, I guess that's what you pay for? Still a little disappointed though, was expecting to see a couple of bikes being towed on a carbon fibre trailer with perhaps a fool proof way of tiring the bikes down.
  4. The carbon used is pre-preg (pre-pregnated with bonding) when the pre-preg is fitted into the mould you need to make sure it fits perfectly and leaves no air pockets as Andyb said. It is then baked in an auto clave machine and pressurised so the resin in the pre-preg can bond tightly within the carbon weave, whilst still under a massive atmospheric pressure. This gives you a much thinner lighter and stronger product as well as keeping the carbon visually perfect without any stretching or kinks.
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  5. now then where is the full carbon bodywork for a 998 no side vents, large air scoops no side stand no headlight holes…………….for me to trial..
  6. Fullsix don't make them but we do....would you like a quote sir :wink:
  7. I couldn't find it when i looked at your web site...yes go on then pm me if you like for nose as per description above, flat panels 998 style sides as above and belly pan…please!

    oh PS, no gold inserts required cheers..:wink:
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  8. PM sent
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