Funny things you have witnessed at work?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. I lifted a sewer manhole in a street in Todmorden with a technical officer around 1980, to see if it was blocked. The sewer was around 12 feet deep, and as we were bending over to get a view, my colleague's wallet fell out of his inner jacket pocket.

    Unfortunately the sewer wasn't blocked
    #2 wroughtironron, Nov 18, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2013
  2. do you remember the DisneyTM employee who got sued for some ridiculous amount because a chilld saw him eating his sandwiches round the back of a building or some such in his Mickey MouseTM costume on, but minus the head...she got some huge payout via DisneyTM due to her PTSD...
    Bleedin yanks...
  3. I used to run the IT department of a group of companies based in London around 10 years ago. I got an alert that the server room had been accessed out of hours one day. It turns out after checking the security recording that the girl who changed the backup tapes had brought one of her colleagues to the room and had some rather close liaisons with him in the room... Thing is, my boss got a copy on CD and played it at the Christmas party during his presentation!... The girl left the party quite rapidly and was never seen again!
  4. yup

    some guy came to do a 'presentaton' - and well what can say the screen saver was a picture of him and his boyfriend - although not pornographic it was 'close'

    I also managed to drop a bottle of tomato sauce down the main stairs - and it exploded at the bottom - made quite a mess
  5. Err... no they didn't
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  6. In my first job in the video game industry, I was doing some crazy hours. I got permission from the bosses to take my PC home over the weekend. So, Friday evening, a mate (another employee) and I went back to work after popping out for dinner to go and collect it. He entered the code for the alarm and went and collected my PC while I went to the bog. When I came out, I was amused to see him standing very still in the doorway of the building with four armed police pointing Heckler & Koch sub machine guns at him. The idiot had got one digit wrong on the entry code and had triggered the silent alarm - and the tactical team was the closest unit for the response.
  7. a female in a&e with blanket over her head wearing handcuffs,we arrived (fire service)with cutting gear to remove them lol she had lost the key during a naughty session . I was pissing myself while cutting. not very professional but I wanted to pull the blanket away and see if I knew her. naughty girl.
  8. something similar except I killed all power on a sunday in a drinks wholesalers to drill busbars and was surprised when the mate kept thumping me to stop the drill ,I removed my ear protection and turned around to find four armed ruc members pointing guns at me.
  9. a female ex work colleague getting f#cked at a christmas party by an ex work colleague in the toilets.
    getting disturbed and quickly pulled her chino strides up.
    it was obvious by the wet-patch on her chinos it was job-done by fella.
    she was so pissed she didnt realise.

    we couldnt stand up :D
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