Gardeners World.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mervyn, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. To all those keen gardeners out there:) Can you give the botanical and common name to the plant as shown.No prize for the winner,sorry.First person to guess correctly can be super smug though.:upyeah: DSC_0037.JPG
  2. Gum tree?
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  3. weedus maximus?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Looks like Fatsia Japonica. (Japanese Aralia or Fig-leaved Palm).
    If the rest of it looks like this that's what it is:

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  5. Well done Gimlet for getting the botanical name right.Do you know the common name without looking it up?
  6. Well done Gimlet for your answers.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. Well done finm for your good attempt at a guess - thought you had it until clever clogs came along :Wideyed:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  8. Thought you had it too until fimn's attempt! :(
  9. Well I knew it as a Japanese Fig, so I wasn't far out. The common names I've given came up with the picture. Always thought it looks more like giant Ivy myself.

    Fin, of course, will be wondering whether it can be battered and fried and eaten as one of your five a day. Theoretically yes, but probably safer to stick to emulsified lumps of sugar and trans-fats. Sometimes called the false Castor Oil plant because it looks very similar. And you definitely can't eat that. You'll die.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. The flowers on it this year have been particularly impressive.It has been covered in bees this week,especially when the sun is on it.It started off as quite a small planting,once it got established it has really grown well.
  11. My wife would more than likely know, but she's in bed whilst I am on here and drinking brandy !
    Well it's nearly Christmas !
  12. It is indeed a Fatsia Japonica or more commonly known as the Castor oil plant.
    who says i dont know nuffink !
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  13. My son is a keen gardener, he seems to have the best results with this, grows heaps of it, anybody know what it is?


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    • Funny Funny x 2
  14. ^ not much of a gardener, so could just be some weed
    • Funny Funny x 3
  15. [​IMG]
    I think its a cabbage. But if you're worried it might be drugs, ask your son if you can try some. If your'e still worried afterwards, it is a cabbage.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. It looks like hes made a right hash of growing that shit.
  17. feck it, just roll with it.
  18. clearly your son has green fingers Dave, could it be a joint effort?
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  19. He looks like a budding gardener.
  20. Here's a Gardner for you:

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