I was looking at the Garmin 396 and they changed the backing plate orientation for the 395LM to the 396 lmts. 395 is vertical, 396 is horizontal. It's the same back unit just turned sideways, Anybody got any thoughts of fitting ideas. 396 back with horizontal clips 395 back with vertical clips 395 mounts that are vertical clips
The four bolts, from memory of mine are square. Equi distant. Therefore rotate the backplate 90°. Although sods law says they will not quite be equi distant.
That’s what I thought but they are not a simple swap around. Crazy hey. I have tried to take them off and turn them. Would be such and easy fix.
You could in theory. Cut the ball off the back and sand down. ( or leave it as it will be hidden.) then drill 2 holes on the horizontal sides, the long sides so it fits the metal mount that is attached to the bike