Hi all, I have posted in here as not sure where else to ask the question. As some of the Multi riders get out and about maybe you can add some input to my question. I have a Garmin 590LM and Scala G9. After a little while the nav audio goes to pot, the sound of the instructions becomes broken and crackly, after a few more commands it may clear up only to return at some random point in time, Garmin UK have no idea and can not offer ANY support, they also don't have any idea what other devices may work, in other words if you buy their £500+ sat nav its pot luck if your audio device will work! Nice R&D Garmin!!! NOT! Scala (Cardo) try and help but again don't have any devices to test it on, the G9 does work correctly if used directly to my HTC one so you'd have to agree with them the problem is with Garmin, also if you make a phone call or listen to voice messages etc trough the Garmin then the phone audio is crap too, £800 later and your left thinking.....well....I won't say! So has anyone else got a G9, how is it, do you use it with sat nav audio? Amazes me that two high end companies can't share products to produce a system that works, well it don't but you can only hope hay!
Chcek that you havent paired the phone to the garmin and the scala If you have then dont pair it to the headset Pair the headset to the garmin and the phone to the garmin HTH
Yep thats how it is, phone and headset paired to the garmin, also the garmin is paired as a satnav to the scala and not as a phone or media player, just done another 200 long miles this morning and tbh my mind is made up. Its all an expensive pile of crap! Maybe I am not in the best of moods after such a long ride but this is how it is:- Tyre pressure monitors often cut out with a ping over the headset, you check to see whats what and note one of them has gone offline, other gripe with them is they only read in Bar and not PSI, that I can live with but now they cut out now and then you start to think whats the point! Next is the satnav audio, it often brakes up with LOUD crackling so much so your ears are blown out with the high volume, again would not be so bad but you can not even understand whats being said. Next/Next is the fact that this ride out the satnav randomly disconnected from the G9 on three or more occasions leaving you with no voice prompts to where to go, in my case right in the middle of Southampton! Next/next/next is the fact that the audio prompts interrupt your rider to pillion chit chat, when the nav says "turn left" audio is cut from you and your passenger while the prompt is given, this would be ok but its about 15 seconds before a quiet ping is given that then lets you know the intercom is now active again, not that you can hear the ping! Next/next/next/next is you may not know but you can not use the phone to play MP3 while connected to the satnav, would have been nice today as some sounds may have helped the stress of the Garmin.. Tbh I could go on listing the faults, I have emailed and spoken with Garmin today but i don't think they care too much as the chap on the phone could offer no help and even though I asked I had hoped they would buy in a G9 or loan one to check out the list of issues.. My advise to anyone is avoid them both, the 590LM is an attractive sat nav but you have to pay for traffic updates and weather unlike the cheaper say navs from Garmin, yes thats right, buy high end nav for your bike and expect to pay some more for this and that. As of the Scala, I'd love to say its great but it has a role to play in all this and imo gets some of the blame, the VOX activation is a total waist of time, for example even with it set to low, you pull over, ask a mate or pedestrian a question and you get "radio on" next you can't hear jack from who you were quietly chatting to as the radio is now blaring in your ear, next is the battle to turn it off, so you shout something to activate the VOX and say "radio off" and the Scala comes back with "Music ON" you may laugh but this then just confuses the whole thing as like I said before you can not connect your media phone and nav at the same time, so next thing is you now loose the nav audio!! Grrr! Also while out today a few times at random it disconnects different things, the phone, the nav, the TPMS.... I guess for rider to rider or rider to passenger intercom its great, but for the sake of two wires and a 9v PP9 I had a pas anger intercom from Lidi that cost me £9.99! It worked great! As for the 590LM tbh I wish I had not bothered, sold my TomTom rider v1 for this and the TT was great since 2006.. Oh well, you live and lean.. Oh just noted an email in from Scala, will keep the tread updated so those who find it via google can learn from the whole experience.
Sorry that you are having such problems; I have G9 Scala and a 660 LM paired to an iPhone and they work with no problems at all; I am assuming that the new satnav therefore must need some kind of a software update/reset; hope you get it sorted
Thanks guys, yes me too.. In the 590's defence its brand new, checked for updates yesterday and none (updated it about a week ago before that), thought will do another full reset and see how I go, just gone online after the reset and updated to v2.70, also reset all the pairings and redone them too (paired phone and G9 to 590), will try it all again in the next few days. I hope it gets better, don't get me wrong I LOVE the Garmin and the G9's just want them bug free, its sooooo frustrating that both companies don't pull together and develop their products in a way that they both create the ultimate system if you like, but thats IT for you. Sometimes they come so close to perfection.
I'm having problems at times with my inter phone f4 xt doesn't always work intercom etc but find the tom tom nav better than my old garmins
If it's brand new Arthur just tell them you want a replacement, if that doesn't work tell them you want your money back. You could just have a dodgy one, it happens as I'm sure you know. Before you drive yourself mad I'd try another one just to see if its the set up or hardware
Garmin did sort of offer a replacement or repair, but then he said "I doubt it will be any different" I have already swapped the G9 rider unit with the passenger unit and it's the same, the software update is the same phone wise in other words some crackle when you listen to voice mail etc, I will give it another test and see what's what, then prob follow up with Garmin and ask for a replacement 590 as after all it's been how it is now from day one.
I had issues with Garmion last month and needless to say I now have a TomTom. Garmin email customer support took £ WEEKS to respond and had me try numerous ridiculous ways of meking it work as it said on the box and failed miserably. After 2 months of waiting for replies and getting useless answers I demanded a full refund and spent the money on the TomTom. Garmin customer support is, in MY Opinion, utterly useless.
The sat nav on its own is great, the scala on lts own is great, my phone on its own is great, it's when you mix the three the problems start. Not sure just yet what I will do with the G9 and 590, will try it out some more and then see where I am at, try to build a full picture of the problems, the TPMS cutting out is annoying as is the audio problem.
Back on the phone to Garmin, got another app to update the software of the 590 and see if it fixes the random drop outs of the TPMS system and fixes the poor phone audio plus the occasional brake up of voice commands. Failing that I will take it back to Garmin in Southampton and exchange it for another.
Quick update: Talked to Garmin, must admit they are always happy to try and help even if they can't offer much in the way of updates etc, however today the chap on the phone did point me to a direct update package that lets you rewrite the firmware/software and force it to overwrite or reinstall regardless of what ver is loaded, did this and installed a few other minor updates too, now the TPMS system is in PSI or BAR so thats a result if it stays connected the whole time that will be even better so fingers crossed in the next few days I will see how I get on. The phone (voicemail) is still a little crackly but I did install a voice update to get clearer spoken instructions too not that they were that bad when working, maybe they have resampled them...who knows...
Ha, well you know how it is, sleepless nights unless I get it fixed! thats OCD for you....lol Its an awesome sat nav, getting better by the update