Anyone know any work arounds for mapping some routes on the garmin via passes that are currently shut ? Tried base camp, tyre and Google wart and none let you map routes as they are currently closed.
How does it know they are currently shut ? Switch off / disable any real time updating / traffic monitoring ? I am currently trying to move to Base Camp after previously using MapSource and it is very frustrating, mainly due to trying to use an out of date map I think. It looks like I will have to purchase Lifetime Maps to get it to work as I want it to.
Really not sure. Tyre uses google and base camp well you know how much of an arse it is !! I normally map in tyre then import to base camp then into device. But seems base camp won't import now.
Spent many a happy hour on Basecamp trying to plan a route that passed over a pass that was closed for the winter. It would get so far then deviate away on a circular route. It was if there was a brick wall across the road.! :Arghh: Then I worked out it was in the settings. Can't remember exactly what it was but it was something to do with the base settings for the vehicle which excluded seasonally closed roads. Remove that tick and ... Hey Presto!!
managed to get a work around. ( I hope!!) Start a route from start to finish point. ( previously I was plotting the points I wanted to go then to the end) Then start dragging the in between line to points you want to see whilst holding ALT key. Seems to work well and transfers ok. Takes a lot longer as the zoom in out and map detail is crap compared to tyre. How have you found the route timings ? Seems there's around 2 hour difference between Tyre - Google Maps - Basecamp ? We have averaged this and fingers crossed it's about right.