Garmin Zumo 340 / 350 / 390

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by vau, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. ? My Ducati Zumo came with a new top clamp so it fitted the zumo clamp on and made it adjustable.
  2. #3 vau, Feb 8, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2014
  3. Thanks for sharing...have you got some actual photos rather than just CG?
  4. So far I have only pictures of the Zumo 210 mount for the left side of the handlebar.
    I'm going to ask a user of the Zumo 350 mount if he can send me photos.
    Halterung Zumo 210.jpg
    I think you can see the laser sintered polyamide component well.
    The strength is 45 N / mm ². This is better than the values of many thermoplastics
    which are produced in molds. I have therefore no concerns that it will not work.
    I use the Zumo 210 mount until 11,000 KM, even on bad roads in
    South of France :wink:


    Halterung Zumo 210.jpg
    #5 vau, Feb 9, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2014
  5. Here is another example from a lasersintered part:
    Fernbedienungshalterung_Drift HD Ghost.jpg

    Fernbedienungshalterung_Drift HD Ghost.jpg
  6. The drift remote mount looks like an excellent idea.
  7. Thanks.........good hi-res photos would be helpful for example to see the quality of the finish.

    I'll have to find time to 'suss' the processes at Shapeways.........the possibilities!!
    #10 AndyW, Feb 9, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2014
  8. Here is a better Picture:

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