Gave the bike a bit of clean today

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Phantomfighter, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. Oh yeah babe, you look 140% hawter on that Doo-car-tee!!!

    1 vote(s)
  2. How could you not look hawt with such skimpy pants.

    2 vote(s)
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  1. Thought I would start a "me" on my bike. lol :tongue:


    Yes I know its old but a goodie. ha ha ha
  2. No comment!:eek:
  3. You know who this is right?
  4. Am I missing something?
  5. I though this site and its users had a sense of humour. :cool:
  6. Underpants match the bike though :eek:
  7. Pretty certain most do, I can't see a picture, just a ?
  8. state of that pruning on those trees...
  9. no:mad:
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Now is see. Initially I was thinking it was idris Elba with his new look for Luther.
  11. Im sure Hellcat posted this some time ago in response to the 'If not Suzi Perry' thread. I could be wrong thou
  12. Your punishment for today is......
    A proper picture of you on your very clean bike
  13. Not quite sure whats going on in his head, maybe he is amped up? I have had some strange thoughts myself over the years but straddling my ducati, naked , covered in baby oil with my red Y fronts on has not been one of them. Goodness gracious me.
  14. Here is me, sadly my bike was back in the UK when I was in Japan on holiday. :eek:
  15. My wife wears one like that. Has a zip on the mouth though.
  16. Lol wasn't expecting a pic quite like that
  17. nice banana!!
  18. No bin!?
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