Gavin Henson...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Jul 13, 2013.

  1. Glass Jaw :eek:
  2. He's a goose
  3. His father Jim based the Muppets on this tool......
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Early 'Bath' for Gav .......

    still, tightnylon shorts should see season ticket sales to the ladeez increase....
  5. nice punch that - hit the spot for me lol
  6. Tbf old Charlotte knocked him out a few times too
  7. a few years ago she was a knockout
  8. She's not too shabby now.

    Put it this way.......I'd rather do her with no clothes on than you with your best suit on :biggrin:
  9. Henson, 5 clubs in 2 years..
    Well Done Carl Fearns Bath RFC Back Row, most of the rugby world have wanted this for years, now where is the repeat button..
  10. How many last chances does this bloke want. Best result for Bath out him now and have time to find a replacement. If he is like this now what will he be like once the season starts. Mind you on the other hand keep him and hope he disrupts the team. I am a Worcester supporter and we need all the help we can get

    Regards Steve
  11. He is a prize cock.

    Fame has certainly gone to his head.
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