I did read through the other related posts on this but mine seems different. Left work and noticed gear indicator was only showing 1st no matter what gear i was in, i went up and down through the gear a few times hoping to clear it, the gears seem fine, could get neutral but no green light so it was light fingers on the clutch to test it was actually neutral. Anyway it cleared after about 30mins so will keep an eye on it. Anyone experienced the same?
Perhaps the same thing: I was going to post this on the Neutrals thread but it's a similar situation. dropped down to first tonight at a T-junction waiting to turn right into major road. As last car approached, I gently released the clutch to feel for the biting point ... Long travel? ... No drive ... Checked dash - showing "1" - checked chain - still there ... Come up a gear then back down ... Happy familiar clunk and off we go. It's left me a little apprehensive now...