Gear Ratio Change

Discussion in 'Streetfighter' started by Cole Trickle, May 20, 2024.

  1. Morning all, I'm headed off on a road trip in a few weeks and wanted to make the gearing a little longer to make the motorway cruising easier.

    My local dealer said if I get a front sprocket one tooth bigger the bike would through a fit and enter limp mode.

    Anyone have any experience of this?

    Thanks Ed.
  2. Are we talking V4 Streetfighter or one of the older variants ?

    The V4 would probably be fine, just need to do a "tyre calibration". Though I'd be surprised if you really needed the difference ? I've not noticed it "over-reving" in 6th... the few times I've tried it on the motorway.
  3. At 75mph its reving around 6500rpm. Thats quite high for a long duration I think. The change might also help the horrendous mpg (I dont care but the people I'm with will)
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  4. Mine is showing 75 at 6000 maybe new versions have different gearing?
  5. Mine is the same with a '23 model.
  6. According to the manual the Taiwan version has different gearing. 16/42 as opposed to 15/41
  7. I think that would mean the Taiwan version would actually have lower revs at the same speed, rather than higher like the OP, if my maths is correct.
  8. Apologies, I didn’t make it clear in my post that the Taiwan gearing is lower. The point I was trying to make is that it would appear to be possible to run different ratios on a Streetfighter.
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  9. Gotcha!
  10. Just remember to run the "tyre-calibration"... Think I might already have mentioned it, but that's all it needs :)
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