I hope this is of interest folks. If you feel you would like to brush up on your handling skills but feel a track day is too much pressure or expense then come and try out motogymkhana 19th of may at Donington park on the tarmac lake area. We have an experience day for low speed control and handling (not slow riding as we do everything as fast as we can) so lots of riders just having fun learning difficult stuff in a big car park. I have been riding in the motogymkhana championship nationally and internationally for 5 years and I think it is great fun with a good crowd of riders you can come and watch or join in as you like its a fun day out and a nice ride out to Donington park is always good. Any bike is suitable, no special licences are required if you have a cbt and a 125 or are super advanced with a multistrada then come along and find you have the space and instructors to get the best out of yourself and improve your confidence. (maybe reduce the size of some chicken strips). just look up motogymkhana to see what I mean. You may have seen the American police doing this on Harleys so it cant be that hard can it? we also run a full British championship and compete internationally as well as doing shows and events. 20 may rugby bike fest and events in Essex and coventy motofest are happening soon.