Well at the very young age of 47 and a short engagement of 17 years I've decided to marry the lucky girl (Emma). Nothing fancy just a registry office type affair, then a buffet in a local pub (Richmond). One of the motivators is to make sure the tax man doesn't get his hands on anything left after I've gone. Is it correct form to call her my "first wife" at this stage? Any words of advice for a young newlywed?
For those that have met her I'm sure they'll disagree. We don't plan for any little future Ducatisi, so she should stay as stable and sane as she is now........:Bag:
Awww congratulations both Keep doing what your doing already and I'm sure you won't go far wrong My darling wife sounds much nicer than my first wife And don't forget when she says jump ask how high
What lovely news Im sure some of us London riders can provide you with a suitable Vee Twin soundtrack for when you're first presented as man and wife
you say that now, you wait, whats her is hers and whats your's will become hers... if she mentions kids... buy her a bigger telly.
Hope the next 17 years are as least as good if not better than the last 17. Good luck to you both. Andy
Congratulations! Wishing you and Emma every happiness. Does she have a bike licence? (If not, CBT and a direct access course as your wedding present to her ....)
Is that you selling the bike? Didn't I tell ya, monsters. Its started, its started, put you foot down before its to late
Not a chance....she drives a VW Sportline van like a testosterone ridden 17 year old boy. The world is a better place without her on a bike...believe me.