
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by idrinkbeer, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. my father is now 73 years young and still works along side me in the family business,he flies both powered planes and gliders. this is him at Jaca spain flying the Pyrenees in his shk glider, its wooden constructed in I think 1966.i must say im very proud of him,hope you like the pics.
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  2. #2 idrinkbeer, Feb 15, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2014
  3. great stuff - he is obviously a better pilot than my dad


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  4. I just watched an "air crash investigation" programme about a Air Canada 767 that ran out of fuel. Both engines stopped and it started gliding from 27000 ft
    They tried to divert to Winnipeg but calculated that they would crash 12 miles short
    They found a disused military air strip closer so diverted to that. As they arrived they found they were far too high. They couldn't loose height because they would gain too much speed and had no flaps. They couldn't do a 360 turn they didn't have enough height.
    The Captain was a glider pilot and used that experience to throw it in to a side slip it lost all the height and got down safely all Beit with no nose wheel
    Oh and the runway had been turned into a drag strip and there was a meeting on when they dropped in
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  5. I used to dream of owning a butteryfly tailed glider when I were a kid.Such a thing of beauty.
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