Good day to you all

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by TP#12, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. Thought I'd drop in and say hello from sunny Sydney
  2. Morning Sydney!
  3. Cheers!

    Is this where us rejects end up :D
  4. Morning Tony
  5. Nope. Now you've found your way here, we're all off somewhere else :p
  6. I'll only track you down, muah ha ha ha!
  7. Hi Tony, how's things down there??
  8. That's a bit personal isn't it?

    Hello matey. All good in Oz I hope.
  9. Pleased you found us, now the Rossi Stoner debate can get started.:D
  10. Don't encourage Him LOL

    Hello Tony how's things in sunny Aus ?
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  11. G'day!

    Things in Sydney are pretty good. To be honest it's nice to be in a stronger job market and be around people who are generally have a more positive outlook. The UK has been, and is still going through, some hard times and it's had an inevitable impact on the way people view things, especially in London. That was my experience anyway. Here, when things aren't so great, you can always go to the beach for a swim. Although I did go to Maroubra the other day for a swim and the beach was closed due to we went to the pub :) It's good to have options...

    With the new job, studying at Uni, doing a lot of cycling, hanging out with my sisters and planning my racing comeback (number 1,765,432) I feel like I hardly have any time - but it's all good.

    I see DD has kicked off with the first round at Brands, that made me jealous. And seeing that Nog has ruined my old engine :D And MotoGP HAS to start soon, I'm having serious withdrawals .. haven't seen any 'Ducati's new twin spar frame is still over a second from Casey' threads :cool: The Honda having chatter problems with the 2012 spec Bridgestones and Casey still having half a second in hand over the rest of the field looks ominous - everyone else has work to do and look out when they fix the chatter!
  12. Hello Tony, Ive only just been intrduced to the site too.
  13. G'day champ!
  14. I read somewhere that Australians prefer the more direct approach!
  15. Welcome along, mines a bud with a JD chaser :rolleyes:

  16. Hello mate!!I feel alot safer now I know you are there!!
  17. Rich, I wouldn't if I were you, I have magical powers...

    I'll get the drinks in and yes Graeme, we do tend to prefer people to say what they mean and after 10 years of being used to having to look beyond people's words to understand what they actually mean it's kind of refreshing to be home! Though it can be a little confronting at times too, you people made me soft...
  18. You certainly made my SP5 Fly!!!;)
  19. Hello peeps another Ducatisti refugee signing in

    TP we having another charity motogp bet on the winner this year ! £10 for riders for health as before ?
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