reminds me of when i worked in that shithole..they (my employer) tried to obtain my passport for 'security purposes' to which i refused, stating that it wasnt mine to give, it belonged to the government and they should make a request to the Embassy.... Cut a long story short, i worked in that cesspit for months and never got paid a penny as there was a stand off...I took my passport everywhere with me more or less in case they searched my room and belongings... Eventually some very nice ex pats, and no less than a Director for Emirates (who was a fellow Englishmen) helped to arrange my safe exit from the country..they arranged a secret meeting for me to collect a car and was like something from a Bond movie..I was in hiding for 10 days in Sharjah awaiting my specially organised ticket out of that dump.. I'd never set foot in any Middle Eastern country again....and the Arabs treat everyone like something they've scraped from the bottom of their flip flops....cnuts they were.
Spotted Emmett at Newlands Corner earlier today, seems happy enough. Didn't speak cos he was in company. His taxi bike looks a right old nail