I'm going to fit an optimate battery charging cable and a usb lead (to charge my phone which will be in my pocket) to my 848. I'm wondering where you guys tie down the end of the cable so that it is both convenient and also tidy. Since the seat gets so hot I'm thinking the storage compartment under the pillion seat is not a good choice. Any suggestions?
The charging cable on my 899 is on the left hand side of the engine, and tucks in behind the fairing when I go for a ride
Left side pops out where your left knee would be. Can then be stored just behind the fairing when not in use
Stupid question, I'm sure, but how do you stop it flapping about when you are riding the bike? Do you just zip tie it near the top of the cable to the frame?
Left side as previously mentioned, I then have it gently zip tied to the coolant hose that runs near the battery. You can just access through the "hole" in the fairing, and the connector is shielded from the worst of the elements and it doesn't flap about at all.
I have attached the SAE lead to the left side as described above. It gets really hot down there. Wont this cause problems? The waterproof cover for the port got hot and slipped off the top of the cable when i connected up the charger today.