Goodwood Revival

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Carlos Fandango, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. Spent the day yesterday at Goodwood, our fourth trip and would thoroughly recommend it if you haven't been before.

    Although it's mainly about the cars there is a good showing of bikes and we watched the practice for the Barry Sheene Memorial Trophy for 500cc bikes from the Sixties: Norton and Matchless G50 singles, BMW, Honda and Triumph twins; but it was the MV Agusta triples that stole the show they were awesome!

    As usual the air displays were superb and as well as the Spitfire and Hurricane there was a Canberra doing a fly past this year

    Big showing of Ford GT40's this year, the sound of over 20 all firing up and making their way to the grid made an old man very happy!

    Probably a bit too much to see in a day you could spend a whole day just walking around the pre 1973 car park!

    Here are some photos to give you a flavour














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  2. We went to that a few times when it started in 98, great atmosphere. Do they still do the hay bales infield? They used to get retired farmers to do it as its a lost trade. Love the GlamCabs(Carry on) girls with the Cortina.
  3. I went yesterday too, it was stonking, a much nicer feel than the festival and well worth visit. I really liked this BMW.

  4. Would love to go! Fantastic.

    A mate of mine is there, Tony Smith, racing a Matchless G50.

    The cars racing are just incredible, the entry list of riders and drivers is like a who's who of motersport over the last 40 years.
  5. They don't treat the machines gently either. Tiff Needell wrecked a very rare alloy bodied E type and a birdcage maseratti belonging to Nick Mason(Floyd) got trashed one year I was there.
  6. Think the Masa was binned again yesterday...
  7. The Gulf GT40's are just so iconic :upyeah:
  8. Loving the Matchless !
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