GoPro Hero 3 and where to mount it

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by AndyB_11, May 13, 2013.

  1. Right then, I've been and blown some of my ill gotten gains on a nice new camera and apart from the obvious helmet mount where are the best places to put it on a Multistrada?

    I'm going to stick one mount at the back for those essential cheerio sucker shots but I want to mount it somewhere at the front as well for my summer trip to Italy and back and it needs to be in the best place for filming an attack on multiple hairpins.

    What do you reckon then?
  2. Suction mount on the side winglets, or as I nearly did roll bar mount on a fork leg... Looks like plenty of space there
  3. I wouldn't use the suction mount, no confidence in them since mine fell off doing 50mph
  4. I've tried mounting mine on the crash bars- too vibey. Suction mount on the topbox, too much turbulence (from me probably). Going to try a couple of other places when in Europe next week.
  5. Hi all
    I too have bought a Go Pro & I'm looking for some nice neat mounting options on the Multi back & front. Any one seen, made or bought any?
    Looking to take it over to the TT so sooner the better lads/lasses.
  6. #6 Bobthedog, May 13, 2013
    Last edited: May 13, 2013
  7. Anyone tried handlebars?
  8. Do the suction mounts work well? I know it's a different animal but I've lost count of the number of times I've had my satnav fall off the windscreen and I don't want my nice new camera beating the shit out of my bike when it lets go.

    The other thing I've been considering is getting a Ram mount for it and mounting it off the handlebar clamp where I've got a ball for my satnav already. I'd need a longer arm for it but they're cheap enough not to be a concern.

    I said before I bought this bloody camera I'd end up spending another £100 on accessories and it'll probably go more than that.
  9. The problem then is that it's looking through the screen which may distort the image.
  10. I don't think you can beat a helmet mount except for the fact that they are adhesive and probably only marginally better than a suction mount.
  11. The chesty mount is most excellent.
  12. I was thinking suction mounts and also add some sort of lanyard to the frame for security....
  13. I've never had any problems with the suction mount. Seems to stick on OK for me
  14. It looks like I'll be adding a suction mount to my ever increasing list of must have items. This is going to end very badly with me concentrating more about what I'm filming than what's behind me with flashing blue lights.
  15. i use a ram mount with the long extension bar it enables you to place camera away from screen do some side shots and rear shots (but dont tell our lass )
  16. See and with a heading like that, in my head, I went with "up yer arse"
    • Like Like x 1
  17. You are a most talented comedian.
    I admit I did think it, but at least I did not post it.
  18. I've got the adhesive mounts on my MX lid, and that work brilliant.
    Most annoying part is the rattling noise, where ever it comes from.

    However, just youtubing the idea of handlebars by searching for "multistrada go pro" gives one of the first results from a fellow Scandi:

    I then went down to the garage to check out how to attack this, where to find a good mount, and actually on the wing mirror arm, as top as possible, it should be doable, and your view is not obstructed, the handling not either.

    Screen Shot 2013-05-14 at 19.58.01.jpg Screen Shot 2013-05-14 at 19.58.38.jpg

    Screen Shot 2013-05-14 at 19.58.01.jpg

    Screen Shot 2013-05-14 at 19.58.38.jpg
    #18 SuperMotoBoy, May 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  19. Don't think I'd use the adhesive pads on that, seat post mount would be better
  20. Yearp, already ordered :)
    (and also 3 more SD cards...)
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