Gotta get outa this place

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. Feeling lacking in any motivation right now. Dark winter days and nights taking their toll.
  2. totally, sat on my arse all day finding excuses not to do s..t.
    dont know if its winter or ardbeag to blame.
  3. I hope you haven't got dyslexia or fat fingers and meant to blame me.........
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  4. May I suggest 3-4 days in Cartagena starting Sunday...:cool:
  5. You can suggest it, but expect to be put on ignore :cool:
  6. :wink:
  7. fat fingers. ardbeg uigeaddail. a wee gift from a customer.
  8. And yet more rain forecast!:frown:
  9. And its cold. Worst combination that even stops play in the garage
  10. I would invite you all down here but the weather is just as shite.
  11. 10 deg and sunny spells in Essex tomoz. :smile:.

  12. Ooooh, chance to top up the tan?
  13. I lived in South Africa for 30 years, 300 days sunshine a year, I've been back in the UK for 10 years now and still struggle with winters here. I tend to try and do track days in Spain or buy knackered bikes that need doing up to keep me busy. Don't worry, you'll get 2 weeks of sunshine in July, something to look forward too.
    #13 Bananaman, Jan 24, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2014
  14. 2 weeks sunshine in July-is that a promise?:smile:
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  16. Same shite over here (Kerry, Ireland). Pissing all day, bored shitless.
  17. It might be dry tomorrow, but Sunday doesn't look very good
  18. If it's any consolation, I'm in Belize...

    Absolutely HAMMERING it down here. And I can't even pop into the garage and tinker with the bikes :frown:
  19. Bananaman, where`s your soh?
  20. And defo too cold to paint. So stuck watching eastenders on catch up as swmbo 'hasnt seen me all day'. Does life get any worse.
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