1260 Gps Connector Under Lh Panel Wiring

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Marcello, May 26, 2019.

  1. Hello guys,

    I realized both wires coming out of the spare male power connector located under the LH panel are black.

    Is there a way to understand which one is the (+) and which the (-) without using a voltmeter?

  2. By the way, Ducati dealership told me that such connector needs to be activated by them - not sure this is true as I understand it’s plug-and-play.
  3. Sure one of them doesn't have a tiny white line? The wiring diagram in the manual online will show what they are supposed to be. If they are really the same color then the only way I know is via a VOM or electrically. A spare 12v bulb and some wires could be used. Ground one end and attach the other to the 2 wires to see which is hot for example.
    #3 shorton, May 26, 2019
    Last edited: May 27, 2019
  4. I did not have to have this plug activated on my 2014. I think the heated grips connector requires an activation, but I don't have them so don't know for sure. I think that's more about configuring the bike's software so the starter switch does it's thing to turn on grips. GPS wire is always on (when bike is on).
  5. Bull-shit. Find another dealer. They must be ripping you off with nonsense like that!!

    I simply turned ignition on, got multi meter, earth to the frame then prodded each wire to find the live one.
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  6. If you pull the sleeve back on the harness side you should see the wires that side are red and black, which should help.
    On the pre DVT bikes the GPS feed is the same as the accessory sockets, and I would assume the DVT bikes are the same.
  7. Red is +

  8. Fantastic, thank you so much!
    Actually managed to pull back the sleeve on the harness side and it's now all nicely connected.

    Quite disappointed with what the dealer said i.e. that the port was not active and needs to be activated by them (for a charge of course).

    Thank you all for your precious help!
  9. Love to know who the dealer is....just so I know who to avoid for any help when I get back to Ducati ownership
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