Guys, I'm finally taking the plunge to get a GPS, I have a few very large trips coming up (multiple weeks abroad multiple times this year) and I can't and won't want to rely on my phone. So I looked into GPS units a few months ago and finally whittled it down to this: TomTom Rider V5 Motorbike Bike Sat Nav GPS 45 European Mapping Latest Version 0636926010542 | eBay I've gone for the basic version of the V5 rider, simply as I have a Scala headset already (my self and my misses use them). So couldn't justify the extra on an already astronomical price. Also, the reason I chose this is the windy routes feature is good, I've emulated both software's from the Garmin and TomTom and the TomTom to me just feels more intuitive to use. Before I drop the hammer on the buy button, are there any reasons you wouldn't suggest the above and if so, what are they. Any alternatives? As I said, the things that stand out for me is the windy routes feature and the cost not being above £350, which I agree, is a silly amount already
I was in a similar place, and went for a Garmin, only because I got a sizeable discount. I went for the 350LM, with the Europe map. Couldn't care less about the windy roads function, just want something that works, is easily mounted to the bike and will let me press fuel or hotel when the time comes I seem to remember RiDE magazine saying the TomTom ones are very good though :smile:
I use the TomTom on my iPhone. Works very well. I have the western Europe and UK data maps. So if you have an iphone give this some consideration as its cheaper.
Thanks mate, the 350 was very close, I drilled down to the 660, 360 and the Rider v5... The 350 almost won but when I heard they recompress the music, so figured I would just listen to music the current way and get the rider v5.
I don't, I have a VERY crap HTC Desire. Can't install any apps on it, nothing I thought about a new phone but the reason for my crap phone is because I drop them all the time, I had a S3 for a week before I shattered the screen. That's when I decided nothing but crap phones for me lol.
Again, bike GPS, read 2 stories of the TomTom Rider being in high speed crashes and not having a single dent in them. So idiot proof
I bought a rider V5 from Thurgo on Thursday so should be here in the next couple of days (£315) you can plan your routes via the laptop and then download it to the device you can also share the map with other users. Will give an update when it gets here. steve
This feature does sound great, I went to try the software earlier but my work laptop flagged it as a virus and killed it. Will do it at home later as I can't be bothered to tackle the crap AV on this laptop. I would also like to know if you can deviate from a route you planned and uploaded from 'Tyre'. As that would be good.
Maybe I`m old fashioned, but what happened to the fun of reading a map, using your intelligence and getting lost occasionally, sometimes discovering a great new place in the process. There`s no romance in a Tomtom.
i have the tom-tom v5 euro as well , its very good and no better or worse than the garmin zumo 660 and 350 I've had before , just have to remember when using waypoints to make sure they are just outside the town on the road you want or you could end up going into every town you select as a waypoint which can be a pain , i have mine paired up with inter phone f4xt and my samsung s4 , whilst using phone for music the nav will override it for directions so very good