Grand Monster Meet at Boxhill (Surrey) on the 27th October 2013.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Chris, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. Rob (slob) on the UKMOC has been contacted by The Bike Channel, who'd like to do a 20th anniversary special.
    They're not to worried about standard and would like to do this at the end of this month.
    How many Monsters can we get together at for instance Box Hill one weekend?
    I realise this is short notice but it would be great to get as much of the club involved as possible.

    The following model gaps have still to be filled (shown thus #) :-

    M400 (94-97) #
    M600 (94-97)
    M600 (98-01)
    M620ie (02-05) #
    M695 (06-07)
    M696 (08- )
    M750 (95-97) #
    M750 (98-01) #
    M750ie (02) #
    M796 (10- )
    M800ie (03-04) #
    S2R (05-07)
    M900 (93-97)
    M900 (98-00) #
    M900ie (01-02)
    S4 (01-02) #
    M1000ie (03-05)
    S2R1000 (06-08)
    S4R (03-08)
    S4RS (07-09)
    M1100 (09-10)
    M1100S (09-10)
    M1100evo (12- )
  2. monster bump - this should be an amazing get-together. Bring you camera, phone thingies :)
    • Like Like x 1
  3. if the weathers good will be heading up to say hi
  4. Already on the list in UKMOC
  5. ^ err yes Peg - checked with Rob before posting this one
  6. sounds like a plan hope weathers better than whats expected this Sunday,
  7. I'm trying to get suspension sorted on 400 it's too high and a bastard to ride at the mo.
    Really hurts...
    Got to find my shock prescription.
    May be able to get a shock sorted or limp down see how things are
  8. you do need to get there Melanie as almost certainly the only road going 400 in the UK - I will buy you a beverage of your choice :)
  9. You better go on the wasp, not very often Chris offers tea :)
  10. I know :( if I'm ok il go but end of month is a bad time for me , not paid til 31st for starters and I'm usually bit iffy at end of month pain wise .So il have to make a call the day before really.
  11. good look with the weather monsterans and monsterettes x
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