Greenlaning a GSXR1000

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Freak, Jul 25, 2012.

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  1. what a cock although its the kind of stupid thing i would do:upyeah:
  2. Fair play
  3. Funny as, and when the mud comes....
  4. I didn't want him to bin it but I would have been proper cross if he hadn't, I know I would have, 7.5 for effort tho and a good 9 for amusement, what a spanner!
  5. You seen some of his other vids? Reason I saw this was he did the Snett Odium days and videod some track action...reckon he may have his speedo on kms tho ;)
  6. This was extremely funny. Thanks for the link.

    I love the way you can invent your own totally self-inflicted nightmare just a few miles from home on a totally normal sunny day.

    Come to think of it, self-inflicted nightmares are reasonably common in biking. Are we just perverse?

  7. I thought it was a project to turn a GSXR1000 into a greenlaner, ie knobblies, removed body work etc etc.

    What a cock.

    Its hard enough some times on a proper trials bike.


  8. OMG how could you do that to your bike? I know its a susie but even then and think about cleaning it afterwards. However I have now shown it to 9 different people so good TV I guess.

    Regards Steve
  9. That was surreal. Truly an art form of itself :biggrin:
  10. arsehole. not even funny. he's just a twot.
  11. +1

    He just sounded a pathetic dick. If you were gonna do something daft like green laning a gixxer then surely you'd be a bit more indifferent about it

    Unfunny twat, trying too hard. Baron von fister, more like!
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  12. Oh come on, how can you NOT laugh out loud when he drops it and starts screaming like a pre-pubescent girl! Funniest thing I've seen in ages....reckon they shold have done it as part of the opeimg ceremony
  13. Talk about a sense of humour failure. Even he can see he's been a complete knob. It was the combination of the ridiculous idea, the boyish enthusiasm, the inevitable disaster and the self-recrimination that I found so funny. Very very British.
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  14. And so say all of us :upyeah: I was willing him tho to give it a big handful, that would've been the piece de resistance
  15. and lauch himself through the hedge under a combine THAT would have been frightfully british.
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  16. Erm, no lack of sense of humour here bud. If it was actually funny then great. It is obvious that the whole video is riddled with faux danger and laying it on.

    The guy is full of $hit, pretending to be risking his bike, "oh what have I done", etc. Anyone actually buying this crap will probably be in the queue for Santa this Christmas.

  17. Ooh, do you know where's stopping first?
  18. Yeah - on a green lane on his gixxer!
  19. Jeez, I think we've found the grouchy brigade ;) lol

    Santa comes to my house every year, but only to leave a present for the Easter Bunny
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