Greetings from Kuwait

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Dennis, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. Hello everyone. Just a quick introduction from a complete newbie to the Ducati world. I am an American living in Kuwait working as a contractor here. I have ridden since i was 5 years old with a stint of MX in the 80s. I have had several bikes over the years and sold my ZX7RR when i came here. I am now in a position where can actually afford one of my dream bikes.... the Ducati. I am wanting either a Monster or Hypermotard. Im leaning to the motard as it will be much more useful on the terrain here. I looked at one yesterday. A 2011 but it had some damage and im not sure i want a project here. Thoughts? Ideas? I am sure i will have a great experience and learn a lot from you guys. Hope all have a great day. DWH
  2. Welcome Dennis, can't help with your question I'm afraid as I've never ridden either. I'd guess, like you, the Hyper would possibly be more suited to your location. Have fun finding out! Chris
  3. Hello and welcome to the forum
    There is plenty of experience here someone will be along shortly
    I see you met some of the locals
    Monster is my next buy
  4. Hello and welcome. If I ever get myself to the middle east, i'll drop you a buzz to arrange a meet :biggrin: Its great that you've been drawn to our little troupe, you are more than welcome here. Ive got me a Zx7R as well as my 1098, and I would to hear about your experiences on the RR, but we may have to have our chat in the other bikes section to avoid upsetting the moderator.....oh hang on a sec.....thats me :wink:
  5. Hi and welcome, not ridden a Hyper but have had a couple of Monsters and love them, all depends on what sort of riding you're going to be doing. I suspect the Monster would be the more comfortable on longer rides.
  6. Hey guys, thanks for all the welcome notes... With the terrain here the Hyper is looking like the way to go... it isnt as bad as you would imagine but still pretty bad. As far as "long rides" go Alf... the whole country isnt that big... Matt, if ya ever come here Ill gladly by you a cup of over priced coffee... but if ya want a pint, we will have to be somewhere other than Kuwait... I am planning a trip back to Italy in the late summer/early fall. I have looked at new and used bikes here. The dealer is asking 9900 GBP for a new 2012 1100. Im trying to figure out how to do the financing here.. but it is difficult as they dont speak English well and I dont speak ANY Arabic..LOL
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  7. Hi Dennis, I meant longer as in longer periods on the bike, I don't know if you intend to go on weekend ride outs or just commute on the bike. I've visited Kuwait in the past 1991 & 2003 but pretty sure the pot holes aren't as bad now. I'm sure you'll enjoy whichever bike you go for :)
  8. Hi and welcome, wish we had a bit of Kuwait's weather here in the UK, snow, rain ,gails you name it its doing it! Every one here is looking forward to warm dry roads. Good look in finding the right bike hope you can get a test ride (are there many Ducati dealers out your way?)
  9. Hi Richard. Yeah the weather here is not that bad. Actually kind of cool here but lots of riding going on. Most people park the bikes in the summer with temps getting near 50 some days... not me... for me the sun is out? Lets ride... Im going nuts w/o a bike here so I have been searching the forum here and reading everything i can and think i will TRY to buy the new hyper next week... i have ridden it and the monster... the Hyper just seems a better fit here.... what i call Urban Tactical style...LOL I have dreamed of owning a Ducati for some time, so if i am lucky enough to get it ill be sure to post pix... if not... oh well ill keep looking and i will find the one that is ment for me.
  10. Welcome, 1977 was the last time I was in Kuwait, I delivered frozen food overland from the UK, good luck with whichever bike you decide on.
  11. Hi and welcome to the forum :)
  12. Ok guys... decision made.... 2012 red hypermotard. Went yesterday to the dealer and we started the paperwork... it is different buying things here.... financing is crazy. But hopefully in about 2 weeks ill have my new bike.
  13. hey ... welcome to forum :)
  14. Ok... the deal is done... I have made the right connections, greased the right palms and will be picking up the hyper saturday!!! It is the 2012 1100 EVO. The dealer will also be acquiring a motorcycle drivers license for me.... ride w/o one and they can/will impound your bike for up to 6months and charge you storage for each day it is impounded. I am up for suggestions for first mods to it... sliders? pipes? lighting? Give me some suggestions/advise... thanks again for making me feel at home here.... Ill start a new thread and post some pix sat!!!!!
  15. Have fun! Look forward to the pics! Just don't make us too jealous with all that sun!
  16. Welcome to the www at least it is warmer with you :) My sister lives in the Mahboula part of the City .

    Please don't tell us how much / little you pay for fuel :)
  17. Hey Dave she and I must be neighbors lol I live in mahboula as well... Small world.... Does she ride? How long she been here?
  18. Ok..... yet ANOTHER delay... the finance company changed their mind and said since I dont have a bank account here in Kuwait I cant have a loan. I have tried multiple times to open an account but they wont let me.. really odd banking rules.. ANYWAY.... a Kuwaiti friend says Just put it in my name ill sign for it , you make the payments and then ill sign it over to you. Great to have friends.... he is buying his first bike and wants me to teach him to ride...LOL so I am at work for the next 2 days and SHOULD be able to FINALLY pick it up next week... it has already been serviced out and filled with (.78$ per gallon) premium petrol. Wish me
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