Greetings from Sheffield

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Bob_Cooper, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. Hello from snowy Sheffield! A member of Ducatisti and and must admit the latter seems to need a shot of adrenaline! Mind you I think rigor mortis has set in at Ducatisti! And there are far too many adds on which slows the site down a lot (may that be a warning for this site! Only kidding but too many adds can be really detrimental to a site such as this)

    Own a white Multi 1200 ABS with a QD system fitted and a few other bits and pieces, just fitted a 14 tooth front sprocket and can't wait to try it out!

    Looking forward to Spring!!
  2. hi Bob, just thinking of getting 14t sprocket, whered you get urs?
    very interested to hear what its like when you get to try it?
  3. Hi - I ended up getting mine from eBay. Google beck-berger, they are a Ducati dealer in Germany and I think they also manufacture their own parts. It's not cheap! but it means you don't have to convert the chain and rear sprocket to 525 as it is as per the original 530 pitch sprocket so no problem with fitting. You may find a lot of cheaper 525 14t sprockets on eBay but as I said earlier you will have to change chain and rear sprocket too.
  4. Cool!
    Did a bit of research on the .ms forum and got that and a much cheaper option from a guy in USA. Just wondered where u got urs and how it worked out?!
    Mine is running so well now I'm kinda reluctant to mess with it!
  5. Yep, ducatisti and here too. It's a terribly small virtual world, ain't it!
  6. Hi Bob.

    Welcome, love the pics in the Album.

  7. Glad you like the pics Rob - Jafo I'll let you know what I think to the 14t swap as soon as I can
  8. Welcome Bob
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