Grommets, Gromit?

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by DucatiChappie, Mar 5, 2017.

  1. Chaps
    Right, so my 1992 900ss half-faired has been delivered in bits. Not all of it is there, but most of the rest of it is on its way. So, I'm hoping that when I start the rebuild I will be starting from a base that is 99.9% complete. I'm aware that that 0.1% can be a right PITA, but hopefully some things are easy to sort.
    The frame has been powder-coated (wrong colour, see earlier threads), but one thing I've noticed is that there are various frame-mounting grommets missing. I've asked the friend that I bought it off, but it looks like they might not ever turn up, so I'm looking to source new.
    There are 8 (4 pairs) missing from the frame alone that I can see mounting variously airbox, reg/red, side panels and possibly exhaust. 3 of the pairs have an frame hole ID of 12 mm and one pair has ID 14 mm. Anyone have any helpful Ducati part numbers to share, or grommet dimensions to hand please? I'm fairly certain that I could track down replacements online from a grommet supplier if I knew the sizes. Might have to buy a bag of 100 though...!
    Cheers all
    #1 DucatiChappie, Mar 5, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2017
  2. Thanks Pete. No mystery I guess! :)
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