Guess what........? Part deux

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. It's been bloody snowing here for the last three hours and its laying quite thickly.

    And guess what else? Gritters haven't been out either. Typical bloody Kirklees council :rolleyes:
  2. Was out over Bolton/Blackburn way this eve and we had snow on the way home
  3. I'm supposed to be going back up to Aberdeen (work there) tonight on the new bike. To say I'm apprehensive is an understatement given the forecast. So far this weekend it's been dry but cold, which I can hack. Snow lying on the road is another thing though!
  4. I wouldn't risk it on the bike Andy
  5. Aye, if it turns out to be snowy I'll need to re-think.

    Just started to snow very lightly at home in the last 5 mins (near Glasgow / Stirling).
  6. Snowing here now...
  7. Thank god no snow so far but it's cold
  8. It's on and off every 5 minutes here but word seems to be that's its really properly cold up the road. :(

    Train it is. No bike this week then! What a bugger. Maybe a blessing as it looks like this all week up here.
  9. well f*$%@ me theres white fluffy sh%$* falling from the sky

    the worlds coming to an end ..............well ruined my sunday anyway :frown:
  10. As long as it stays north of Stoke thats fine...
  11. I think the reason for the fuss is that we'd all been buoyed by the recent improvement in the weather.

    News from Aberdeenshire brings this pic...


    I'm away to book the train.

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