Guess what.....?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ghost Rider, Mar 9, 2013.

  1.'s p*ssing down again here.......

    ......and it's the first workfree weekend for ages...........:frown:

  2. Same here Al!
    I have been on call the last 2 weekends and this weekend i planned on
    Getting the 900 mot'd and fitting the carbon high level cans which have arrived.

    Forcast for Snow later FFS!!
  3. At this right not only will tank rust from the outside, so will I.............

    I'm using idle hands setting up two TVs, two DVD players and two VCRs.....Plenty of on screen snow.

    ...Why are Scart cables so bl**dy stiff and heavy? And why do they never fit tightly?
  4. Popped out with kids to buy mothers day cards and flowers! FFS rip off flowers or what!

    Scarts are shite Al.. get a new tele with HDMI sockets

  5. You saved my bacon there, Imola! Thanks!

    Had forgotten it was Mother's Day tomorrow. It's different dates in UK, France and Switzerland, so really hard to me to keep track of. Just managed to order the bouquet!

    Thank you!
  6. Just finished wiring my son's headlights up, what a pleasure working inside after a week on a roof, not looking forward to next week ether, same roof colder weather.
  7. Ever seen a VCR with an HDMI outlet? Nah............But I have got two new TVs and DVD players with HDMI.......luckily the TVs have got a Scart each as the Scarts do the VCRs so Mrs Arquebus can play her 1000 video tapes that I refuse to replace with DVDs or spend the time converting them to DVD......(I only got halfway through my cassette tape conversions top CD)
  8. Where has he got them mounted? And where have you plugged them in to?
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Can you tell me more about the cassette tape to CD conversion process? What equipment and software do you need? I should be doing this.
  10. I have blank CDs.....I assume you can acquire them (Rs only)............

    There are two programmes I have used.........A free one called Audacity which you can download from also may need some plug in''s a bit complicated for a first time user, I reckon.

    So I also have Magix Audio Cleaning Lab.......much easier to use when you get the hang of it........You can use a number of tools to clean up and enhance the tapes etc.

    You connect a cassette tape player to the Audio In jack in the back of your PC....the blue one. Make sure you get the right sort of jack plug.

    Play the tape and record into Magix........

    When I have the cleaned files I save them...(can't recall if I save the file as a wav file or what)........and then use Nero to burn the disc....Magix will burn them as well, but I prefer Nero, because you can play with the track order and titles a bit better.

    Also do all the labels and CD case sleeves as near to the original as poss (you can find them online too)...........uses a lot of ink!!


    PS....It's my day for messing about with monitors and the three on my PC has gne down (bust I reckon).........I'm now trying to shut down one of the bl**dy graphics cards in the BIOS and get to somewhere near normal........So far it isn't happening.
    #10 Ghost Rider, Mar 9, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2013
  11. Al - are you running some sort of SLi setup? I've been thinking about looking into this - might need to pick your brains at some point - options?? Cheap!!

    Raining here too - hooray
  12. Snowing yet Mr Arquebus?-just to complete your day!.......
  13. Yes SLi....I think

  14. Yes it f........ is...

  15. I can see how easy it is to get confused at your age AL. :wink:
    But this is what I was up to.
    [h=5]Twin headlight conversion all wired up on his CBR 600rr


  16. Do I detect a hint that your not greeting the arrival of snow to play in, with the same enthusiasm of a small boy greeting xmas day?!!,
  17. Definitely Nope.....

    .........having spent all night and this morning so far, I have finally sorted my PC and all the 'damaged' software back to normal......apart from one blown monitor, which I have replaced with a tiny liddle fing that came from another PC.

    Now just got to re-route all the flaming cables.........Seems there are about 22 of the b*ggers.......Wireless not suitable for my set-up.
  18. Just starting to get a few snow flakes now in West Sussex.Did a short walk out earlier and found it bl++dy cold.
  19. It's been trying here  on and off
    It's freezing!!!!
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