Guy Martin On 4od

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by rhubarb and custard, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. There's two seven minute shorts on 4od, the first a bit seen it before, but the second is well worth a go, he's also doing a prog on the restoration of a spitfire and more speed stuff later in the year.
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  2. You just hear all the restoration people screaming at the TV while he rev the bolloks off that engine, and saying the thing took off, glad I wasn't there.
  3. That bit did make me laugh, he's good value!
  4. Hahaha, classic. Love that engine. I think it's the best engine ever made .... Yep, I'm gonna go that far , some say it's concorde's but I think it's the merlin
  5. Has anyone put a wheel at each end of one of those yet?
  6. Funnily enough yes - well nearly. A gut built a 4500cc V twin from two merlin cylinders :Happy: I think there was a trike once too.
  7. 19026d1343444393-why-not-more-motorcycle-engines-millyard_viper_v10_motorcycle.jpg
    Oh and just to show it really has all been done before: 27 litre Merlin Bike!
  8. Well I did ask never thinking it could of happened. :)
  9. did you even look at that picture before posting?
    american v10 that says "viper" on the rocker box and you say its a merlin.
    if you are english you need to go and stand in the corner!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. It's all I could find :Bag:
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