
Discussion in 'Suggestions & Feedback' started by KevB, Mar 26, 2022.

  1. Has anyone had any correspondence on this forum from 'SSDriver'? I received a message from this user but now there is absolutely no record of the message. I am usually pretty careful but trusted the message which now appears to be a hack/scam as the message has disappeared and a search for SSDriver does not turn up any results. Anyone else seen this?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Nope and thread moved.
  3. Do you keep a record of private messages? I assume that to receive a message/conversation the sender would have needed to be registered first, with an email address, name, etc. Is this something you or the site admins can investigate?
  4. No sorry. Private messages are exactly that. Neither Rob, Viv or I can access them.

    Who exactly sent the message? I can investigate their account.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Apologies…..the sender’s username was SSDriver wasn’t it.

    I saw some unusual activity on their account a few days ago. I investigated the account and deleted it.

    Just delete the PM please :)
  6. I received a message fro ssdriver - which doesn't exist. The message also now doesn't exist, but there should be a log of all account activity.
  7. See my last post :)
  8. I cannot delete the PM as it has gone from my inbox. This is disconcerting as this suggests there is access to PMs. Would be interested in what was unusual about the account?
  9. So the PM to me has also been deleted as a result of the SSDriver account deletion? Can you share the SSDriver email associated to the account?
  10. Yes it seems that the pm has been deleted because I deleted the account.

    And sorry I can’t give you their email as all their details have been deleted as I’ve said several times.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. There is NO access to Private Messages unless a person requests a conversation with you or you invite someone to join your private message
    You and that person/s are the only ones who can see the messages
  12. I also received a message from him. Offering to sell me. SF for £3500 once I had transferred funds into he’s account. Will post complete transcript later.
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